The Importance of Hiring a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst in Your Divorce Process

By Steven F. Bryant Certified Divorce Financial Analyst

Divorce is often a complex and emotionally challenging process, involving many decisions that can significantly impact your financial future. While many individuals seek legal advice to navigate the legal aspects of divorce, hiring a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst (CDFA) can be equally essential in securing a stable financial outcome. Here are several reasons why hiring a CDFA can be a crucial step in your divorce process.

  1. Expertise in Financial Divorce Matters

A Certified Divorce Financial Analyst is trained to understand the complex topics of divorce-related financial issues. They have specialized knowledge in areas such as asset division, tax implications, and retirement planning. Their expertise allows them to provide invaluable insights and projections that can assist in making informed financial decisions during the divorce. Simply put, you should always have a financial professional involved with the financial aspect because that’s what they are experts at. 

  1. Clear Understanding of the Marital Assets & Liabilities

Navigating the complexities of a marital estate can be exhausting and frustrating without professional help. CDFAs are skilled in identifying and valuing all marital assets and liabilities, ensuring that nothing is overlooked. This comprehensive understanding can help ensure a fair and equitable distribution of assets, including real estate, investments, and other financial accounts. 

  1. Long-term Financial Planning

One of the significant benefits of hiring a CDFA is their ability to provide long-term financial planning. They can assess the future financial impact of various settlement scenarios, helping you understand the long-term consequences of each decision. Whether it’s understanding the implications of keeping the family home, alimony, or child support, CDFAs can provide clarity on how these decisions will affect your financial well-being years down the line.

  1. Objective Perspective

Divorce can be emotionally draining, making it challenging to view financial issues objectively. A CDFA offers a neutral perspective, focusing solely on the financial aspects of your divorce. This objectivity can be crucial in making rational decisions that support your long-term financial interests. 

  1. Working with Family Law Attorneys with the “Team” Approach

CDFAs often work in conjunction with attorneys, providing a comprehensive approach to the divorce process. While your attorney focuses on the legal aspects, a CDFA can address the financial side, ensuring that both legal and financial considerations are seamlessly integrated into the settlement process. 

  1. Cost Efficiency

While hiring a CDFA involves an upfront cost, their expertise can ultimately save money by helping you avoid costly financial mistakes and ensuring a more favorable financial settlement. By providing detailed financial analyses and projections, CDFAs can prevent the need for post-divorce financial adjustments, which can be both time-consuming and expensive. Also by hiring a CDFA, you are paying a lower rate for them to do the same work when it comes to the financials that attorneys would be doing at a higher hourly rate. 


In the extremely stressful environment of divorce, hiring a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst can provide clarity, objectivity, and expert guidance. By offering in-depth financial insights and ensuring a fair and sustainable financial settlement, a CDFA is an invaluable asset in navigating the financial complexities of divorce. Investing in their expertise can lead to a more secure financial future, making them a crucial part of your divorce team. If you have a good Family Law Attorney and Divorce Financial Analyst working together, you should have a VERY SUCESSFUL outcome.